Friday, December 17, 2010

Noel Mignon Challenge

Ok . . . so I am trying to keep up on some scrappy stuff here and maybe make this a new years resolution to blog!!

My FAVORITE scrapbook kit is always the Noel Mignon kits!! I try to budget a little because they are a little pricy, but so worth it!!!! They do some fun stuff on the message board on the website and I am trying to get more involved.

The current challenge ends today!! Its to scrapbook a gift. While mine is a little more of a metiphoric gift than an actuall gift. I still need to add the journaling to mine. I think I am going to type it on vellum and add it to the left next to the little epoxy houses. I tried to hand write it and didnt like how it looked and there wasnt quite enough room. I used one of Noel Mignon's previous kits to make most of this page. It was the Dear Diary kit!!

The story is: I really loved my life. I had a great childhood. We moved a lot. A LOT!! While I wouldnt change my upbringing, it did make me want something diffrent for my own kids. When I met my husband, I loved the way he grew up. On a farm in the same house his entire life. He went to a very small school with a class of about 20. I realized that this would be a great way to raise my kids. While it didnt seem like it was going to happen when we first got married and started a family. I met BJ while he was in the Air Force. He was military for 8 years. So when we moved to his home state of Nebraska and found our dream home it was unbelievable. The gift is that my husband has provided a gift of life for our kids. A life that is constant and familiar.

I really would love to win this challenge!!! The winner gets TWO of the amazing Noel Mignon kits!!! For more info go here:

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

December Daily

OK so its been over a year since I have used this blog . . . no worries I only had one follower anyway :) And I think it was my crafty friend Karla!! So she will be happy to see this post I think. I REALLY REALLY wanted to do Ali's December Daily challenge when I stumbled upon it a few weeks ago. Ive been sitting here at this very spot going over the list of blogs linked to the challenge and got so inspired. Im ready to post my picts to mine and needed a blog to do it. SO here we are. Photos are bad . . . not even croped or fixed in photoshop so you will just have to deal with them raw.

I got HUNDREDS of BINGO cards at a junk jaunt a while back and decided these would make a great base to my book. Seems like lots of BINGO in the picts but I think most will be covered when I add all the picts and journaling and just the little bit left will be toned down and charming. The book is pretty bulky . . . stupid modgepodge (whatever its called) has warped the pages a bit. OH WELL its still kinda on the small side and its a little more fun and interactive with all the junk in there. Got 21 days done and I guess I will finish the rest sometime this month!! I am determined to finish this.

Thanks for looking!!